Whitlenge Tea Room and Gardens visitors enjoying lunch and a chat
A trip to Hartlebury’s Whitenge Team Room and Gardens was very much enjoyed by our members, on a beautiful sunny day in mid-May.
The group had a thoroughly good chat over a lovely lunch and appreciated the fresh air and sunshine.
All agreed it was a great trip out and many thanks to drivers Mark Turner and Sue MacAskill for taking them.
Mark is one of our regular volunteer drivers and for Sue, who is a lay reader for the Ismere Team of Churches, it was her second trip with us, and she is happy to help again.
Our chief officer, Bev, said: “Socialising is so important to our well-being. Yes, making sure our members make important appointments is crucial but so are opportunities to meet people and visit places, which can give them a real boost.”
Members like Joan Fearnall, who thoroughly enjoyed the trip, added: “Although I live on Kidderminster’s Franche estate, there are no buses, so any trip out to places, to meet people and have a chat and companionship is great.”